Category: Personal Finance
For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it— lest, after he has laid the foundation, and …
Dear readers, it is official: the economy is experiencing a downturn. Industry experts had forecasted it, internet warriors had talked about it and now it is a reality. Not …
Two months ago, a friend sent me a message to google up ‘MMM Nigeria’ and share my thoughts. I quickly ran a search and here was my exact reply …
Statistics show that there are more than 400 million active users on Instagram and 3.5 billion photos are liked everyday throughout the world on the Instagram platform. It boasts 15 …
Do you enjoy a well executed wedding? Do you dream of being behind the scenes, helping to visualize, and successfully bring abstract plans to fruition? If you want to make …
Prelude: This is a sequel to a feature on which tells the story of the circumstances leading up to me becoming an Uber driver in Lagos. If you would like …
A wedding is a joyous occasion which brings families together one of the most expensive parties you will ever throw. Planning a wedding in Nigeria is no small feat, …
Childbirth in the US is expensive. In fact, this 2013 report identifies the United States as having the most expensive child birth cost in the world. Regardless, there are …
A while ago, we investigated the cost of sending £300 to Nigeria from the UK here Since exchange rates have changed dramatically since this article, we thought it might be …
Q: I have read your writeup here about how the earning potential of up to N250,000 monthly with Uber. I would like to sign up, but I need to …