Earn ₦40,000 cashback with your big purchases

If you have a hefty purchase (worth N400,000 or over) to make internationally (store or online) before September 30th, you could get earn N40,000 just by using a Diamondbank Visa credit card..

As part of a Diamondbank’s Visa card promotion, if you’re one of 200 customers to spend  ₦400,000 on an international purchase using your Diamond Visa credit card by 30th of September, your credit card account will be credited with N40,000.

Where can the card be used?

The cards can be used anywhere that accepts a Visa card (which is a lot of stores by the way), but eligible purchases are in-store purchases abroad and on international websites.

Do I need to do anything else?

You will need to enrol for an i-pin which is a security measure required for you to be able to spend online. The i-pin is not your ATM pin, and it can be made up of either letters or numbers. Whenever you make an online purchase, you will be prompted after entering your card details to provide your i-pin number.

How do I enrol for the i-pin with my Diamondbank Visa Card?

You can do this at any Diamondbank ATM machine.

  • Insert your card into any Diamond Bank ATM
  • Enter your PIN
  • Select “More Services”
  • Click “Generate IPIN”
  • Enter any 4 digit number of your choice
  • Re-enter the 4 digit number to confirm
  • Collect your card and receipt

If you haven’t got a Diamond Visa Credit card, you can apply for one here:

*Disclaimer: This isn’t a Diamondbank sponsored ad. We look for money-saving opportunities from all sources, and if you have any to suggest to us, please send us an e-mail: tips@mrpepe.com

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