Month: October 2011
Philips is offering a promotion where you can trade in your old iron for a brand new Philips iron for as little as N3,499. The offer is on until …
So the other day, I was discussing with my younger brother who was going back to University after his “long vac” and we came to the subject of internet …
What is this Electronic Instant payment system? According to the NIBSS, this is a new banking system which improves the speed of bank transactions across different banks. How does …
First of all, what is a survey plan? A Survey Plan can be described as a land instrument which shows as clearly and as accurately as possible, with as …
Here are some rules and tips on buying property in Nigeria. Please learn from them because these come from my personal experience. It just goes to show that even …
By the Nairaland lawyer. ( (edited my MrPepe) A while ago, a prospective client contracted me to do a search for him in respect of a piece of land …